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Tag: Apps

Striking balance

Black humour and sarcasm can be detected in online feedback. How we deal with tricky conversations in real life, meanwhile, is influenced by our ability to recognise and process not just our own feelings, but those of others. Cue a startup from Ukraine offering a wide range of support for those seeking to enhance their emotional intelligence. Their app...

Literal connection

Technology skills can be acquired early through play. Now, with its new app, a Dutch startup is supporting an important area of education in schools. The goal: to make reading attractive for children and young people. Being able to read isn’t just important, it also promotes concentration, reduces stress, develops language skills and fosters our sense of imagination. Teachers...

Promoting perception

Given the right entertainment factor, people are happy to go without plastic bottles. Now, a Brazilian startup is helping children and young people on the autism spectrum to learn through play. Their app is based on specialist knowledge and uses the effect of visual perception, which, after all, is closely related to rational thinking and emotional intelligence. An association...

Optimal output

Playing games promotes muscle development after a stroke, and time management can help patients with brain injuries re-integrate into society. Now, a startup from Montenegro has developed a smart solution to ensure patients with long-term illnesses take their medication on time. Their air-conditioned pill box has 4-8 compartments with different coloured lamps. An app helps users allocate box parts...

In-house administration

Restoring old furniture and selling the recycled product online is easy with the right platform. Users can even catalogue their wardrobes on their phones. But now, a startup from the USA goes a step further with their app. A central dashboard allows homeowners to digitally manage their possessions including household items. Particularly luxurious items can be added with a...

Alleviating assessment

Our blood can reveal a physical illness. A hairband may be equally helpful, so too a sympathetic text. And now a Swiss startup has launched an app to support people with chronic illnesses such as asthma, migraines or bipolar disorder. Users respond to 3-5 daily questions, which help record their mood. Next come data from smartphones and wearable devices...

Cultivated fare

Companies can increase diversity virtually or by honing their online presence. Now, a German company is throwing its weight behind face-to-face contact by bringing diverse employees together over lunch. An algorithm programmed by a diverse team pairs people based on their characteristics. Only, it prioritises those who have least in common. An app provides employees with a suggested meeting...

Beat it!

A simple phone call can improve our mood. AI mixes music for the jukebox. Now, thanks to the new app of an Icelandic startup, music lovers have the ability to produce their own tracks. A user-friendly interface allows beats and recorded vocals to be arranged at the touch of a button. These sequences can be automatically looped - that...

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