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Editor's Picks

What's really inspiring us

Cultural future

A community is helping stateless people overcome personal and professional challenges. In modern-day Canada only around 1% of Indigenous peoples work in the technical...

Native resources

Thanks to a personal initiative, Inuktitut is being kept alive. Indigenous peoples are enormously knowledgeable and innovative, but one of the hurdles for their...

Tactical calculation

Smart buoys are preventing ships from colliding with whales. Normally, container ships and tankers are directed to reach their destinations as quickly as possible....

Economically equipped

Naturally-occurring colour pigments in purple maize have anti-inflammatory properties. Clothes, meanwhile, are rarely manufactured using natural colours. But all that could be about to...

Beneficial release

Used, starch-based juice bottles dissolve in water. If only recycling printed circuit boards (PCBs) from plastic and glass fibre were as easy. Enter a...

Clean search

Interbreeding plants intelligently helps to create new GMO-free food products. In some parts of the world, clean drinking water is also in short supply....

Alternating conclusion

In future, the Zika virus could be detected using mobile phone cameras. Meanwhile, an American research team has been banking on the phone’s magnetometer...

Fair training

Creatives can transform their stories into games or compose music on smartphones and share it on their socials. The most well-known AI chatbots are...

Lovely liberation

Modern tests for mosquito sprays use an artificial hydrogel skin. The effectiveness of new medication, meanwhile, can be analysed without harming animals. But animal...

Speedy illumination

Fish remains are a good source of bioplastics. Jellyfish, meanwhile, could soon be an unlikely ally for police officers up and down the country....

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