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Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation

Hand-picked, positive news on how the world around us changes

Brokered engagement

Supply and demand of biological waste is becoming more transparent. Meanwhile, in order to promote the funding of sustainable projects, a Portuguese startup has...

Recognising the signs

An intelligent bracelet can help people with hearing difficulties participate in conversations. During online meetings, the screen usually displays the person who is speaking...

Alternating conclusion

In future, the Zika virus could be detected using mobile phone cameras. Meanwhile, an American research team has been banking on the phone’s magnetometer...

Fair training

Creatives can transform their stories into games or compose music on smartphones and share it on their socials. The most well-known AI chatbots are...

Accepted control

Toddlers’ hearing can be checked by smartphone while future hearing aids could be battery-free. But people with tinnitus hear more than they wish. Help...

Visible understanding

Birds use the earth’s magnetic field as their compass. But how do animals perceive their surroundings in general? Tortoises and insects such as bees...

Stylish search

Deciding on a foreign university is easier with first-hand information. Those wishing to practise a sustainable lifestyle away from home, however, often spend a...

Changing clarity

Some car tyres can adapt their size according to the terrain. Flexible walls mean flats can be easily converted. But eyewear that automatically adjusts...

Remote progression

Short videos promote reading in schools and technological skills can be acquired playfully. But what can be done when students in remote areas fall...

Personalised placeholders

When it comes to storing information, our brain can be lazy. Chatbots with AI, however, absorb even the smallest details and learn from them....

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