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Tag: Life Science

Good reception

The sight alone is enough to make some people faint. Needles, whether for administering vaccinations or taking blood, are far from everyone’s cup of tea. But it could be so different – now that researchers have developed so-called microneedle patches. The mini needles can be pressed into the upper layer of skin without reaching the nerve receptors. Moreover, thanks...

Bridging the gap

Some days we awake with a spring in our step. Nerve fibers in our spinal cord transmit messages between our brain and muscles. For those living with paraplegia restoring such communication was thought impossible. However, a new kind of gene therapy tested on mice has delivered astonishing results. Scientists at the Ruhr-Universität in Bochum had already discovered that a...

Beneficial exercise

Interviews, appearing on stage, the menopause… all can bring us out in a sweat. And sport. Now researchers in Singapore have developed a novel film to keep us cool when we exert ourselves. Two highly hygroscopic chemicals make sure that sweat evaporates from our skin swiftly: fifteen times more moisture can be absorbed at six times the rate compared...

Good looks

Imagine driving in a snowstorm without windscreen wipers. That’s how it feels to live with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) every day. The condition, which affects some 7 million people in Europe, initially presents as blurred vision, but can ultimately lead to total blindness. Though its progression can be slowed the disease is currently incurable. But hope is in sight...

Backed up

Receiving support from others is a basic human need. But some require it more than others. Those carrying long-term spinal cord injuries will be delighted to hear of the existence of a Canadian not-for-profit organization that specializes in identifying and solving urgent challenges in the field. By pushing for global collaboration between theorists and practitioners, the aim is to create a bridge...

Heavy lifting

Maintaining healthy muscles can help keep our weight, blood-sugar and cholesterol levels in check. But what about those who are unable to exercise because of injury, disease or old age? A team of researchers from the National University of Singapore has discovered the existence of a protein existing in muscles which can be used to stimulate growth when subjected...

Silent night

Bed rest doesn’t always make you feel rested. Nighttime rounds in hospitals can interrupt patients’ sleep and create additional stress for already overburdened medical staff. Now a research team has developed artificial intelligence that eases the burden on staff and ensures patients get their rest. Focusing on over two million patients, the system has been trained using almost 25...

Hitting home

According to the UN, a person goes blind every five seconds. Suddenly the outside world becomes a maze. For decades support has come in the form of white canes and/or guide dogs. Now start-ups are putting their money on advanced technologies. One company from Texas has fused radar, lidar and ultrasound in a 230g sensor that is attached to...

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