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Tailored elevation

Word choice can heighten feelings of belonging. This is particularly important for people from underrepresented groups such as the LGBTIQ+ community. Which is why a London-based startup has developed an app in conjunction with experts from the field of psychotherapy. Its goal: to increase users’ sense of wellbeing by helping them cope with queer-specific issues such as coming out...

Cultural provision

Medical consultations can take place at the laundromat, while a platform is helping underrepresented groups obtain the health advice they need. But considerations surrounding social and/or ethnic origin, sexual orientation or other cultural factors are just as important for those in need of care. Enter a New York-based startup, which has used decades-spanning research to identify the core elements...

Shared experience

Our bodies are unique. Good that 3D X-ray images are helping diagnoses become even more precise. People from underrepresented groups have special needs when it comes to medical treatment, and don’t always receive the care and attention they deserve. Cue a non-profit organisation from Cologne which helps them find the right treatment. Their platform contains an index of medical...

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