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Tag: #69

Astronomic neutrality

Hemp is versatile; fungi helps us relax. The latter are also crucial in meat-free food production. A biotech startup from Buenos Aires recently won a NASA competition with its fermented fungal ingredient. The protein-rich raw material is not only cost-effective but multiplies in volume by five times a day - astronomical! Since the product is relatively taste-neutral, it can...

Attractive representation

In Australia, Indigenous culture is coming into fashion. Canada is driving diversity in business. Now a Toronto-based, women-led startup is offering companies a way to make their brand image more attractive to different target groups. They want to find themselves represented. Image recognition software equipped with artificial intelligence analyses companies’ visual online content. It assesses to what extent people...

Blooming business

Flags embedded with seeds are creating new crops in India. Now, a startup from Kanpur is recycling plastic-wrapped flower waste that would otherwise end up in the Ganges to produce a handmade alternative to leather. The flowers are collected from mosques and temples, categorised and then freed from chemical fertilisers using an organic spray. After being dried in the...

Stable connection

Dopamine makes us happy. A deficiency can lead to Parkinson’s. Molecule pairs and nasal spray should, in future, spur production of the hormone. Now, working with experts and patients, an advertising firm’s international team has developed a free app that counteracts the tremors that are typical of the disease. As a first step, surfing the internet on iPads will...

High-performing imitation

Using the human body as a model for electronic inventions isn’t restricted to the field of data storage. Now, a research team from Washington State University has developed a high-performance computer chip made from honey, which imitates the brain’s neural network. First the honey is left to solidify, then placed between two electrodes. Boasting high computational power and switching...

Observing angle

Gorse could soon provide protein to millions. In order to maintain international fish stocks, a Dutch research team has developed a new system in tandem with the UN. It uses artificial intelligence to identify different species of fish (a similar system already exists for insects). In the Nile Basin, information is currently being collected on the size, weight and...

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