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Tag: Infrastructure

Grounded provision

Trailers can be remote-controlled while self-driving haulers could soon feature on railways. Meanwhile, a Swiss private sector initiative is developing an underground tunnel system allowing driverless EVs to transport supplies and waste at 30km/h. Trials will take place on a 70km three-lane stretch between Geneva and St. Gallen. Rather than using a swapping system, vehicles will be charged from...

Signalling knowledge

Combining solar modules provides remote communities with electricity. Now, a man from the Democratic Republic of Congo is making internet access affordable for his fellow citizens. His startup, launched in Canada, uses small boxes of computer components to harness satellite signals and establish local wireless networks. The resulting ‘digital library’ in Kinshasa can supply internet for up to 100...

Open service

Companies can diversify their teams using IT. Now, a Canadian startup has developed an operating system for charging stations based on an open standard. The aim is to allow different types of electric vehicles to be charged at as many sites as possible. Charging stations, whether on hotel, company or residential grounds, are connected to a platform, which balances...

Flowing switch

Hidden cities are being uncovered deep within the rainforest. Yet somehow our traffic lights don’t recognise queues of vehicles due to fixed programming and induction loops. Now, a German research team specialising in industrial automation hopes to change all that. In a test project at one junction high resolution cameras and radar technology capture the number of vehicles present....

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