Inspirational appetizers with curated news on startups, emerging trends and bleeding-edge research


Tag: Food

Sweet saturation

Protein-rich gorse could feed the whole of Scotland. Fish and chips is not just popular in the UK, of course. Still, manufacturing vegetable oil from oil palms or soya beans is accelerating the deforestation of rainforests. Which explains why a California-based startup has developed an alternative cooking oil from sugarcane. Raw sugar from the regrowing plant ferments in tanks...

Virtual yield

Thanks to a US startup, unused front lawns are feeding the local community. Traditionally, those who want to grow their own vegetables have to plant and tend them themselves. But now an Austrian startup is offering the chance to do everything by app. Using information on ripening season or longevity, virtual gardeners can choose herbs and vegetables that a...

Effective substitute

Those looking to change their diets can turn to seaweed or cream alternatives. But rich food causes more than just bloating or queasiness. In extreme cases of heartburn, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) provide a solution by suppressing the build-up of stomach acid, shielding the oesophagus and intestinal tract from harm. However, they also reduce the body’s intake of nutrients...

Powerful mix

Edible cups are great for coffee fans and help reduce waste. But what about the 10 billion kg of coffee grounds that are discarded each year? Well, Australian engineers took a shot at concrete to create a powerful mix. By heating the grounds at 350℃ in an oxygen-free room, they first produced biochar. This was used to replace 15%...

Fruity protection

Potato starch could help reduce plastic consumption. Algae are perfect for sustainable fire retardants. Food cans have an oil-based inner lacquer made from synthetic polyester resins. Enter an Italian startup that is using waste from industrial tomato processing to create a plant-based alternative inspired by an old patent. First, the skins are separated from the waste. After thermal treatment...

Natural power

Edible furniture can supply important energy in emergencies. Our digestive system is crucial and requires regular examination - whether it’s by ultrasound, colonoscopy, or a mini camera that can be swallowed. Now, an Italian research team has developed an edible prototype to replace the metal batteries used in these devices. Acting as anode and cathode respectively, Vitamin B2 and...

Rewarding commitment

Weak taste buds can be amplified. Meanwhile, a Colorado-based startup is working with companies to support their employees in making dietary choices, lowering health insurance costs. After all, 35% of medical costs are spent treating diet-related issues. Using an app, employees purchase their food and meals from accredited restaurants, businesses and delivery services. Based on previously defined intolerances, preferences...

Particular performance

Powder made from pineapple waste is a superfood for fish. Forget salmon or beef tenderloin: pets can get all the nutrients they need from soldier fly larvae. And so can livestock. Up until now soldier fly larvae have been predominantly reared on starchy chicken feed. Still, thought a Danish research team, why not experiment with an organic waste product...

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