Inspirational appetizers with curated news on startups, emerging trends and bleeding-edge research


Tag: #E3

Light liberation

Accurate, reliable assistance always provides relief. Take these machines, for example. And what about this Polish startup currently testing solutions for disinfecting hospitals? Their autonomous robots are equipped with UV-C light and radiation and break down the DNA protein structure of viruses, killing 99.9% of pathogens. The machines, which also have cameras, move seamlessly through rooms. If a human...

Playful preparation

Children want to learn more about sustainability. Now, a startup from London is using a playful approach to make topics such as sustainable development, coding, artificial intelligence and art more enjoyable for primary school kids. The aim is to prepare young people for the future by teaching them about technology, empathy and teamwork. Using an app, students can test...

Optimization calling

A faulty tap is easy to spot. Wind turbines and solar panels are trickier, but drones can help. Now, a Hamburg-based startup is focusing on the predictive maintenance of machines, with potential issues forecast up to a year in advance. Using real and virtual models, the company’s software creates a digital twin of the machine in question. A maintenance...

Planting play

We can’t breathe underwater. Or without trees that bind CO2. Now, a not-for-profit startup from Berlin has taken a playful approach to encourage the planting of trees. Their concept? A club, which businesses from the games industry can join for a fee in order to support certified conservation and reforestation projects. Measures taken against deforestation in the real world...

Productive dating

Children learn from their elders. Those aiming to manufacture and sell their own products need the right knowledge and equipment. This information is usually out there somewhere - but often hard to track down. Luckily a startup from the Netherlands has developed a platform which enables prospective manufacturers to locate whatever machine they need. They can search by selecting...

Assured assistance

For a beach holiday we search for a hotel overlooking the sea. People with limited mobility, however, don’t always know what awaits them on site. Now a startup from Italy is aiming to change that with its tailored search engine. So far, users can carry out an Italy-wide search for accommodation, offices or cuisine that meet specific requirements regarding...

Agile distribution

Sometimes it’s easier to fit a camel through the eye of a needle. Or carry cargo through a city’s narrow streets. Two new EVs from a Seville-based startup could prove equally useful. The three-wheeled, tilt-proof vans, fusing a scooter and cargo box, are less than a metre wide and can travel at up to 45 km/h. They are available...

Two’s company

Interactive music events allow friends to dance together virtually. If something’s bothering us, we tend to confide in our closest friends. Now, a startup based in Stockholm has launched a chat app to help people deal with mental challenges. In a break from tradition, the service is anonymous and connects people of the same gender. Users can choose whether...

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