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Tag: #46

Pushing the boat out

What links coconuts with rum and coffee? They are all shipped from overseas. Now a French company is aiming to make sea transportation more environmentally-friendly. Its 80-metre-long sailing ship, an alternative to this electric freighter, will have 700㎡ sails and be powered by wind. By winter 2022 the company should have 4 such vessels, travelling between Europe and destinations...

It’s good to talk

Good advice doesn’t always come cheap. There are exceptions, of course. But particularly with psychological illnesses, it can be best to get help from outside. As a direct result of Covid, many people are experiencing suicidal thoughts or heightened anxiety. From 2022, French citizens will be able to access therapy sessions free of charge so long as they have...

Healing interplay

Finding your perfect match can take time. A research team from Harvard Medical School and the University of California in Davis has recently discovered that combining two drugs can support the recovery process of pancreatic and liver cancer patients. Tumor cells that have been killed off during chemotherapy can cause inflammation, leading to metastasis. To stop this from happening,...

Sustainable care

Often the most cultivable land is found in gardens. In south LA, front yards are already being used to grow vegetables. Now, a startup from Colorado is focusing on backyards. Together with a turf expert, it has developed 45 ecological products for lawn care, all based on natural ingredients such as algae, molasses and iron. The company is also...

Ravenous gain

Any port in a storm, and climate change is becoming a cyclone. Fish waste can be turned into sustainable plastic, displays made compostable. But what about scrap metal? Well, a resourceful researcher from Chile has discovered that certain non-harmful bacteria consume it. The microorganisms, known as Leptospirillum, are used to inhospitable environments, and live in acidic geysers at 4,200...

Creative alternatives

Decommissioned materials still have lots of potential. Take these plastic bottles, for example, which are being used to build schools. In Scotland, a company is developing creative new uses for wind turbines that have been replaced by newer, more efficient models. Since older incarnations are only 75% recyclable, it is important that items such as rotor blades, which are...

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