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Tag: #35

Interchangeable variations

A few blocks of Lego can create any number of different building combinations. Now a recently launched startup from Germany has adapted this idea to create a car concept that can be custom modified according to taste and need. Two 3.64 meter long chassis are designed for either standard, or offroad purposes. The body, meanwhile, comes in 10 interchangeable...

Good catch

Working together, ants can achieve great things and are actually stronger than many larger animals. Following their lead, a Norwegian-based startup has developed a 300-meter-high lattice structure containing multiple miniature wind turbines. Their rotor blades have an advantage over those of bigger turbines, lasting 20 years longer and being cheaper to manufacture. The firm’s concept is based on mounting...

Secret culinary delights

Until recently cucumbers and watermelon were the foods with the highest water content. Now an Italian team of researchers has compiled a book about their closest competition: jellyfish. The integrated cookbook contains 9 delicious recipes written by two Michelin-starred Italian chefs and a food blogger from Hong Kong. The team hopes to improve the image of jellyfish and is...

Visionary view

Tinted car windows provide privacy for those inside. Still, being able to recognise someone in the dark can help save lives. Infrared technology plays its part here. Light particles meet semi-conductors and are converted into electrons with the help of which images are created. Current night-vision devices are bulky since they contain various bits of technology, and need cryogenic...

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