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Art & Leisure

Art & Leisure

Hand-picked, positive news on enjoyable things in life

Resounding report

Anomalies in network traffic can be detected musically. Harmful Algae Blooms (HABs) can be devastating too, turning entire coastal areas red and tourists away...

Changing tune

Some loudspeakers purify the air while playing back tunes. But it seems that analogue sound can also make for a cleaner planet. Using mainly...

Snappy style

Outgrown sustainable children’s shoes dissolve when cooked. A short hairstyle can be transformed with environmentally-friendly extensions. But making bespoke clothing more sustainable presents a...

Turning the tables

Some jeans can be composted after use. Yet, in the Netherlands, a design and furniture company is investing in the circular economy, having developed...

Collective spectacle

Sweet coffee cups provide a solution to throwaway culture. Coffee grounds, meanwhile, are an effective substitute in the construction industry. And as a startup...

Colourful salvation

Seaweed can be used as a fire retardant. In Berlin, meanwhile, a female designer has developed a thin algae-based film and coated it with...

Asymmetrical comfort

Artificial body parts can be tailor-made for extra comfort. For women who have had mammary tissue removed because of cancer, there are bras with...

Intuitive level

Trees planted by companies can be a playful enterprise. But all game-designers need programming skills. Right? Wrong. A new platform developed by an English...

Seasoned connection

Curcumin is just as effective as chemical agents against stomach acid and heartburn. That plant-based substances have anti-inflammatory properties is well known. According to...

Dry run

Oyster shells are becoming fashionable. Materials made from willow fibres even protect against harmful UV rays. Now, a former female Masters student in Germany...

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