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Tag: Equality

Cultural future

A community is helping stateless people overcome personal and professional challenges. In modern-day Canada only around 1% of Indigenous peoples work in the technical sector. Now, a not-for-profit organisation in Vancouver is aiming to change that, harnessing the culture and knowledge of British Columbia’s 204 First Nations to create new technological solutions. Enhancing access to the economy and politics...

Native resources

Thanks to a personal initiative, Inuktitut is being kept alive. Indigenous peoples are enormously knowledgeable and innovative, but one of the hurdles for their founders is securing funding. Now, a Canadian TV show launched by an Indigenous woman is putting Indigenous entrepreneurs on the map. Any new company can apply so long as its business model prioritises sustainability, saves...

Focussed round

Thanks to a new bank card women can enjoy better credit ratings. As for startups, bank loans don't always go very far, which is why many look for venture capital. For companies whose founders belong to the LGBTIQ+ community, however, the chances of receiving such investment are slim. That a growing number of investors are focusing on this particular...

Capital aid

Members of the LGBTQ+ community should soon find overnight stays more welcoming. But a sense of belonging is important in the world of work too. Hence, this diversity group is receiving support in another field from a civic organisation in New York and its global network. Specifically? Investment. Over 100 firms from the venture capital and equity financing sectors...

Clean search

Interbreeding plants intelligently helps to create new GMO-free food products. In some parts of the world, clean drinking water is also in short supply. Which is why a woman's Toronto-based startup is eschewing time consuming trial-and-error experimentation in its bid to provide clean water for all. To do so, they are combining quantum chemistry with artificial intelligence. Their system...

Confident cut

Sustainable hair extensions could soon be all the rage, and not just in salons run by the Black community. But in Africa, mental health treatment is more urgently required. Of the 110 million affected people, 66 million are women under 25. Since there is on average only one therapist for every 500,000 people, a non-profit-organisation is focusing its efforts...

Remote progression

Short videos promote reading in schools and technological skills can be acquired playfully. But what can be done when students in remote areas fall through the cracks? With its specially developed E-learning platform, a non-profit organisation in Africa is aiming to ensure everyone has access to the curriculum. Schools or religious institutions serve as learning centres, and children use...

Returning chance

Mothers appreciate support to re-establish themselves professionally. Incarcerated people, too. All this thanks to an entrepreneurial US couple, whose non-profit organisation allows prison residents to participate in 6-month programming courses in Javascript and HTML. Or create and sound edit videos. Knowledge that increases their chances of finding jobs upon their release. An employment rate of over 80% for returned...

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