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Tag: children

Joy squared

Old furniture can find a new home. And, thanks to a London-based startup, children’s cuddly toys needn’t end up in the trash either. The concept is simple enough: kids inevitably move on, but old toys can still bring joy to someone new. Tired teddies and stuffed animals are donated to the female founder’s startup directly in the post. There...

Protective sorting

Thanks to a small robot, visually-impaired children can be better integrated into conversations. However, young people, and young women in particular, often see more than they bargained for in chat rooms or on social media. Images of male sexual parts, for example. Or hate-filled comments and insulting statements about gender. Which is why a female founder and her Berlin-based...

Preventative update

An armband could make hot flushes easier to manage. Those engaging in hormone-free birth control mostly use condoms or the coil. The latter, however, have barely changed in design for fifty years. Reason enough for a female-led US startup to develop a new model. The team’s solution comprises 3 copper-coated elliptical parts which each have a magnetic plus and...

Conversational balance

Thanks to a special armband, people with limited hearing capacity could play a more active role in conversations. Now, a Portuguese research institute is helping children with visual impairment converse with their non-visually impaired counterparts. Key to the enterprise: a modified, commercially-available robotic toy. It moves between children as they speak and uses an in-built microphone to determine who...

Youthful insight

A headband can monitor hallucinations, while skin cancer can be detected by cell phone. What about the most common cause of heart disease and coronary artery aneurysms in 1-5 year-olds? Cue a 17-year-old female student from San Diego who has developed a new method for identifying Kawasaki Disease. Since the five symptoms - high fever, red tongue, body rash and...

Clean back-up

Inventive genius isn’t age-restricted. In recent times, school-age children have developed a lead filter for water taps, while this 23-year-old student created a new smog filter. Air quality is equally important for a 12-year-old English girl whose mother has asthma. She developed a rucksack which filters polluted air, incorporating an air filter and ventilators onto the front of her...

Audible recognition

A computer game is raising childrens’ awareness of diabetes. Now, using smartphones, a research team from Washington University has developed a low-cost hearing screening system especially suitable for infants. Microphone probes are connected to standard earphones and coupled with an app. Two different tones are sent into the ear at the same time. All being well, a third tone...

Literal connection

Technology skills can be acquired early through play. Now, with its new app, a Dutch startup is supporting an important area of education in schools. The goal: to make reading attractive for children and young people. Being able to read isn’t just important, it also promotes concentration, reduces stress, develops language skills and fosters our sense of imagination. Teachers...

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