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Tag: #89

Variety blossoms

Sawdust makes for stylish furniture, while flags embedded with seeds have a blossoming afterlife. Now, a research team from the University of Virginia is creating building elements from soil impregnated with stonecrop seeds. The 3D printed, one-metre high walls are soon ablaze with lush green. These reusable structures are not only low in emissions but also store CO2, while...

Audible recognition

A computer game is raising childrens’ awareness of diabetes. Now, using smartphones, a research team from Washington University has developed a low-cost hearing screening system especially suitable for infants. Microphone probes are connected to standard earphones and coupled with an app. Two different tones are sent into the ear at the same time. All being well, a third tone...

Structured simplicity

Magnetic nanoparticles can extract lithium from industrial wastewater. And a research team in Princeton has developed a material which can remove salt and microplastics with at least 98% efficiency. Inspiration came in the form of a sandwich. First, the team mixed bread dough with carbon, varying the recipe by reducing the number of ingredients each time, until eventually only...

Studied exchange

School children are exchanging video messages about books while seniors and students pool their wisdom by living together. Now, thanks to an Indian startup, anyone wishing to attend a British, American or Canadian university can consult with those already there. Users of the personalised call service can discuss a range of topics with current students, from accommodation and campus...

Speedy provision

Water with plant-based surfactants can contain smouldering fires faster. Now, a Michigan-based startup has developed a mobile solution to supply electricity quickly during outages caused by natural disasters. Their trailer is equipped with solar panels, a battery for storing electricity and a fuel cell powered by sustainable hydrogen. Thanks to augmented reality training, anyone can operate the system within...

Striking balance

Black humour and sarcasm can be detected in online feedback. How we deal with tricky conversations in real life, meanwhile, is influenced by our ability to recognise and process not just our own feelings, but those of others. Cue a startup from Ukraine offering a wide range of support for those seeking to enhance their emotional intelligence. Their app...

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