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Tag: #78

Grounded provision

Trailers can be remote-controlled while self-driving haulers could soon feature on railways. Meanwhile, a Swiss private sector initiative is developing an underground tunnel system allowing driverless EVs to transport supplies and waste at 30km/h. Trials will take place on a 70km three-lane stretch between Geneva and St. Gallen. Rather than using a swapping system, vehicles will be charged from...

Intensified promotion

Ballet is becoming more diverse, so too our evening entertainment. To ensure that Black people are successful in the innovation sector, an American organisation founded in 2020 is building a network of local initiatives. Advancing the careers of 1 million people of colour. Especially founders of fast scaling technology firms, heads of profitable small- and medium-sized companies and creative...

Regenerating renouncement

Chronic wounds can be healed without pain thanks to new plasters. Now a research team from Imperial College, London, has discovered that nerve damage could be repaired through intermittent fasting rather than surgical procedures. The team’s research showed that fasting led to the gut bacteria producing more of a certain metabolite, which helped the ends of nerve cells to...

Having a gas

Leftover food can be shared with neighbours, while discarded items can be reused for solar modules. Now, a Californian startup isn’t just converting household waste into energy-rich gas, but car tyres, plastic, wood, glass and electronic equipment too. Waste is inserted at the top of the gasifier while steam and purified oxygen are injected at the bottom, starting a...

Signalling knowledge

Combining solar modules provides remote communities with electricity. Now, a man from the Democratic Republic of Congo is making internet access affordable for his fellow citizens. His startup, launched in Canada, uses small boxes of computer components to harness satellite signals and establish local wireless networks. The resulting ‘digital library’ in Kinshasa can supply internet for up to 100...

Beneficial cover

Cocoa plants aren’t just used to make chocolate and buildings become more flexible. Now, an international research team has developed a design concept from which humans, animals, plants and organisms such as microbes could all benefit. The idea is to cover houses in several layers. Each of them is tailored to the needs of the organisms within. Humans, for...

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