Inspirational appetizers with curated news on startups, emerging trends and bleeding-edge research


Tag: #55

Appreciated action

Whales play an important role in climate change. Just like the ‘rainforests of the sea’: coral reefs. Globally these are home to around a third of underwater organisms. A not-for-profit organisation in Papua New Guinea, site of a number of endangered reefs, was recently recognised for its work by the UN’s environmental programme. Using GPS and underwater audio equipment,...

Natural extension

Cheese gets its unique taste from mould. But not all types of mould are welcome. An international research team from Singapore and the USA has developed an antibacterial film that keeps food fresh for longer. The hydrophobic, non-toxic packaging material is made from starch, corn protein and biopolymers. Thyme oil and citric acid serve as secret ingredients. These last...

Helpful dessert

Waste can be valuable. In fact, leftovers from tequila production can be made into cutlery. Now, a German-Indian startup from Mannheim has developed edible, vegetarian spoons. The key ingredient in their recipe is a grain mix. It is fashioned into shape by robots using a patented, automatised process. The cutlery is suitable for all dishes, and retains its shape in...

Hard alternative

Metal isn’t always needed to make knives. Sustainable pallets can be made from tropical materials. Students from Karnataka in India are hoping to substitute steel in house constructions after integrating a bamboo net into a spherical stone shell. They discovered that this material can be used to make lightweight slabs that can nevertheless carry weights of up to 700...

Unlimiting access

A new website promises support for people with limited mobility when travelling. Independent travel means freedom. Thanks to a German company, this could now become a sustainable reality for people with disabilities. Using a startup’s electric vehicle, the company converts and adapts it in 20 different ways. Revolving and suspended seats make it easy to get inside. When alighting,...

Living list

Music streaming services offer ready-made playlists for any taste. For film portals, an algorithm learns from our preferences. This here, in turn, helps us to learn. Anyone looking for films starring or made by Black people will be delighted by a new website recently launched by a Brooklyn woman. The site contains an index of 250 films made between...

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