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Tag: #11

All fours

They say a human’s best friend is hairy and four-legged. Dogs are loyal animals, and it breaks our hearts to see them lose the use of a paw. Using a 3D printer, two students at the University of Augsburg have developed a prototype for a prosthetic dog leg. Additive manufacturing makes it possible to gear the design of the...

Visionary value

$1.90 – for many that sum equates to the price of a takeaway coffee. But for a growing number of people it represents the maximum daily spend. Now for the first time a charitable organization aims to help such people - with the aid of artificial intelligence that was mapped out at the UC Berkeley School of Information. How...

Notice solved

In our digital world it is paramount that information is readily available when it needs to be. But displays are electronic waste, and need to be disposed of. Using organic materials, a research team has developed a display that is fully biodegradable, and earmarked for use in the medical and/or food industries. Instead of being cleaned at great expense,...

Good looks

Imagine driving in a snowstorm without windscreen wipers. That’s how it feels to live with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) every day. The condition, which affects some 7 million people in Europe, initially presents as blurred vision, but can ultimately lead to total blindness. Though its progression can be slowed the disease is currently incurable. But hope is in sight...

Total recall

We’ve all been there, right? Not Mars but planet Brainfreeze. We pass someone on the street who seems to know us, but we can’t place them. Are they from work? Or one of Michele’s friends? A new study shows that our brain is to blame. Memories are retained like a snapshot, tying people to a particular context. If we...

Good riddance

Going with the flow is a good thing – unless we are talking waste in rivers. Because it flows into the sea. A Dutch not-for-profit organization, known for ridding the ocean of plastic, has turned its attention to the source of the problem. Working with a partner specializing in cranes, it launched its latest project in Rotterdam. Using a...

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