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Tag: Inclusion

Careful connection

A dating app is bringing people with disabilities together. Now, an Ottawa-based startup is ensuring people with physical disabilities get the help they need by connecting them with caregivers on a new digital platform. It might be personal hygiene, cleaning and cooking. But equally shopping, collecting the post and providing speedy assistance when clients’ potentially height-adjustable, electric wheelchairs break...

Cultural future

A community is helping stateless people overcome personal and professional challenges. In modern-day Canada only around 1% of Indigenous peoples work in the technical sector. Now, a not-for-profit organisation in Vancouver is aiming to change that, harnessing the culture and knowledge of British Columbia’s 204 First Nations to create new technological solutions. Enhancing access to the economy and politics...

Native resources

Thanks to a personal initiative, Inuktitut is being kept alive. Indigenous peoples are enormously knowledgeable and innovative, but one of the hurdles for their founders is securing funding. Now, a Canadian TV show launched by an Indigenous woman is putting Indigenous entrepreneurs on the map. Any new company can apply so long as its business model prioritises sustainability, saves...

Recognising the signs

An intelligent bracelet can help people with hearing difficulties participate in conversations. During online meetings, the screen usually displays the person who is speaking through an integrated microphone. Not, however, when call participants are communicating by sign language. Until now. A Toronto-based startup is working on a solution using artificial intelligence, which recognises sign language and is able to...

Focussed round

Thanks to a new bank card women can enjoy better credit ratings. As for startups, bank loans don't always go very far, which is why many look for venture capital. For companies whose founders belong to the LGBTIQ+ community, however, the chances of receiving such investment are slim. That a growing number of investors are focusing on this particular...

Easing elements

A robot shapes dresses. If we ourselves don’t feel in great shape, perhaps because we are experiencing stress, a special ball can help us calm down. Now, thanks to a design student’s award-winning concept, items of clothing could soon fulfil the same function. Inflatable elements of various sizes are sewn into the upper part of her garment. Where exactly...

Elevating removal

Internal wounds could be closed by a robot with an integrated 3D-printer. Sometimes, however, a blood transfusion is required. Here, blood type and Rh factor must be identical for donor and patient, although type 0 can generally be used for types A, B and AB. Need is unpredictable, and donated blood can only be stored for 42 days. Now,...

Capital aid

Members of the LGBTQ+ community should soon find overnight stays more welcoming. But a sense of belonging is important in the world of work too. Hence, this diversity group is receiving support in another field from a civic organisation in New York and its global network. Specifically? Investment. Over 100 firms from the venture capital and equity financing sectors...

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