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Tag: Clean energy

Brokered engagement

Supply and demand of biological waste is becoming more transparent. Meanwhile, in order to promote the funding of sustainable projects, a Portuguese startup has launched a platform for private individuals and organisations. Both can invest in projects and receive interest of up to 9% each year. In turn, projects by profit-oriented or charitable organisations must adhere to the UN’s...

Circular caption

Dusting solar modules can be a magical move. Now, a Turkish-based research team is experimenting with a more efficient way of turning sunlight into electricity. Using computer simulation, the team divided a solar cell into multiple small units. Then they assembled them into a hemispherical, rather than flat, form. This allows for more light to be captured at different...

Curved generation

The flow of rivers can help generate electricity. So too five long, curved tube halves. At least, according to the patented design of a Lisbon-based startup. The parts are fastened to a pole, making a low-maintenance wind turbine. As the technology is scalable three sizes of the noiseless, aerodynamic turbine are planned. A small 100W generator, 1.2 metres tall;...

Significant performance

Recycling rare earths, which are vital for electronic components, is critical. Carbon dioxide is reusable, too, and can generate sustainable electricity - just like in hydroelectric plants. In their test facility, a research team in Texas exchanged water for supercritical CO2. Above a temperature of 31℃ and pressure of 74 bar, sCO2 resembles a gas, but acts more like...

Feather-bed substitute

Waste from apple juice production improves chickens’ health. When they die, chicken feathers are generally burned. This fact gave an international research team from Zurich and Singapore pause. In particular, as the 40 tons of feather waste discarded annually produce CO2 while containing 90% keratin. The team extracted the protein, turned it into extremely fine fibres and used the...

Airy change

Some weeds have anti-inflammatory properties. Now, a female PhD student from the Netherlands has discovered that another weed, soft rush, also has hidden qualities. The lightweight plant takes oxygen from the air, transporting the gas through internal flue-like channels. A cross section revealed a highly porous structure and coarse surface. Therefore, the student pressed two layers together to create...

Compact expansion

Unfolding wheels are useful on all terrains. Now, a Utah-based startup has employed the origami principle to develop a handy solar panel for those on the move. Using their experiences with space agency NASA, the founders created a design with a surface area eight times its folded size. Thus, a 19x19 cm packet becomes a hexagonal panel measuring 2500㎠...

Empowering flow

Mini-robots can collect microplastics in the sea. And, according to a Munich-based startup, in future small hydrokinetic underwater power plants will generate electricity using a river’s flow rate to drive their internal turbine. The devices are anchored to the river floor by rope, and are designed to present no threat to fish or divers. A connected system continuously monitors...

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