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Tag: #70

Powerful breakthrough

Vibrations could help us learn, while sound waves stimulate bone cell growth. Now, a research team from Michigan University has developed a strong, microsecond-length ultrasound to combat tumours of the liver. The targeted sound wave creates, accurate to the millimetre, microbubbles within the affected tissue. Through their expansion the bubbles destroy cancer cells before collapsing. In lab tests, up...

Legitimate independence

Medical advice can be accessed through the laundromat, trusted stylists by app. Now, a startup from Estonia has developed an internet platform which enables people from all over Europe to get legal support. Prospective founders or expats looking for work abroad, for example, can post legal queries on the AI-controlled website. Verified lawyers review the query and send their...

Capturing conversion

Heat turns banana and orange peel into energy-rich material. Renewable energy can be stored in heated carbon blocks. Now, a research team at MIT has developed an all-solid device that converts 1900 to 2400°C heat back into electricity. Their sandwich-design comprises 3 layers and uses the thermophotovoltaic principle. Having captured high-energy photons from a white-hot heat source, the uppermost...

International space

With the right search engine, people with disabilities can check their holiday destinations in advance. A Spanish startup is helping Erasmus students find accommodation during their year abroad. Their platform saves students from potential language difficulties and issues with local processes, as well as the need to find trustworthy contacts on the ground. Users can search for a flat,...

Revitalising treatment

Implanted visual cells help the retina regenerate. Meanwhile, a Brazilian marine biologist is working on regenerating entire coral landscapes. Her secret? Probiotics. As well as being good for our gut, the living microorganisms make coral more resistant too. After treatment with the helpful bacteria, around 40% of coral reefs were able to withstand the influence of heat, oil and...

Preservation without borders

A computer-controlled hand is removing barriers for the deaf-blind community. And now a research team from Queensland University has developed an app that promotes international dialogue between scientists aiming to preserve endangered species of bird. Often, birds’ territory extends across continents and linguistic boundaries. In the app, species at risk of extinction are categorised according to language. A move...

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