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Tag: #66

Healthy bind

Shower water can launder clothes. This pump rids drinking water of pathogens. As part of a recent American Chemical Society meeting, meanwhile, high school students from Maryland presented their solution to prevent lead contamination. Their 3D-printed 7.5cm tall filter is made from biodegradable plastic and can be easily attached to the faucet. It contains a cartridge filled with a...

Well backed-up

Thanks to modern technology, languages, ethnic films and historical discoveries can all be permanently preserved. Now Ukraine’s cultural heritage is under threat. That’s why a Viennese organisation has joined forces with American educational institutions to store at-risk information on a central, secure server. A programme helps find documents, photographs, songs, cutting patterns, and films from Ukraine on local online...

Reductive reaction

This food seemingly appears out of thin air. Alongside CO2, methane is a significant factor in global warming. Now, a Californian company has finalised their process to create a biomaterial for cutlery, sunglasses and bags from the gas. They employ microorganisms to manage the conversion which occurs in a reactor that runs on renewable energies. Methane from landfill sites,...

Meaningful mix

Potatoes can flourish thanks to waste from banana plants. Now, a research team based at North Carolina State University has turned its attention to leftovers of a different kind. In recent pilot studies they have been experimenting with sawdust in order to substitute Styrofoam packaging material. Out of finely ground wood scrap and residues from agricultural products, they created...

Flexible insight

Windscreen-wipers aren’t just useful in cars. For doctors examining lungs, it’s equally important to have a clear view. During a feasibility study, a research team at Leeds University developed a mini-robot that can reach the lungs’ smallest bronchial tubes. Manually-operated instruments currently used in lung examinations are either too wide in diameter, or too difficult to control. The robot,...

Entertaining codetermination

Cookery courses bring variety to our home-cooking. Virtual boot camps help women teach themselves how to code games. Now, with her California-based startup, a Ukrainian founder has developed a platform which allows female authors and diverse creators to turn their novels into games for mobile devices. No coding knowledge required. Gaming fans can currently choose from 3,500 different stories...

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