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Tag: #63

Long-lasting bonds

Flexible building design is good for the environment. Traditional cement production is not as it's responsible for 8% of global CO2 emissions. A statistic that an American startup is striving to change. Inspired by marine ecosystems, the female founder experimented with bacteria that produce calcium carbonate. One of the company’s first products are stone tiles, manufactured in a patented process...

Targeted removal

Special sponges could remove oil slicks from the ocean. If only treating cancer was as simple. A bioengineering research team from Houston has developed a process that offers hope. First step: ovarian and colorectal cancer. Globule-sized powerpacks of highly-dosed cells are implanted next to tumours and within the peritoneum. A minor procedure that minimises the side-effects of treatment. The...

Sensitive classification

Winged beasts can teach us a lot about aerodynamics and joint protection. Insects are an incredibly important part of our world. Now, thanks to a research team at Copenhagen University, they can be automatically identified and catalogued using infrared sensors and artificial intelligence. If an insect flies past, a sensor automatically measures its wingspan. The AI compares the size...

Audible aid

Young people are interested in sustainability and innovation. Some can conjure a smile from unlikely sources. Thanks to two Californian primary school teachers and their students, a new hotline has been providing English- and Spanish-speaking callers with a source of joy since February. Anyone feeling angry, frustrated or nervous can call to receive words of encouragement from kindergarten kids,...

Cultivated control

This gripping arm can lift goods just like an elephant’s trunk. Now, a Danish research team has developed a robot to oversee the quality control of a local dairy’s cheeses, with monitoring taking place at the start of the process. Typically, it’s at a late stage. The robot inserts two thin metal tubes into the cheese curd; these, in...

Past present

Nowadays you can find almost everything online, including films made by and starring Black people. Now, a woman from Milwaukee is providing further insight into Black lives. To celebrate ‘Black History Month’, she, along with her son and daughter-in-law, has launched an app that tests our knowledge of Afro-American history and culture in a playful way. There are 10...

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