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Tag: #56

Traditional future

Peanut shells are good for plants. Leftovers from chocolate production can be useful too. With its design for a smart village, an Australian company wants to provide businesses from the cocoa sector with a creative environment. The goal is to drive innovation for the circular economy and reduce the industry’s carbon footprint. The proposed Ecuadorian village is inspired by...

Fruitful reflection

It isn’t just New Year that offers the chance to shake off unwanted habits. Writing things down can help us reflect and improve certain behaviours. Now, a woman from Munich and her startup have developed a new kind of planner - complete with room for personal coaching. 20% of the book’s paper is made with the leftovers from apple...

Nutritious surplus

Bushes can be a good thing. But the jury’s out on rapid-spreading gorse. Now a Scottish government research team is highlighting the plant’s advantages. For, according to research, some types contain up to 21% protein. Previously burned or fed to animals, recent polling suggests that around 60% of UK residents might be willing to try it. Another advantage is...

Creative combination

Some new things literally come out of thin air. For others, it’s a question of tweaking an existing recipe. Now two Australian students have hit upon a novel method of making beer and developed an AI as part of their internship. First, the pair created a database with some 260,000 craft beer recipes. Next step was to teach the...

Transparent assessment

It’s possible to detect skin cancer using your mobile. For women, however, breast cancer remains the most common type. A research team at Duke University has developed an AI to support mammography teams. The system assesses scans to determine whether a biopsy is required. In order to make the AI trustworthy, it was not only taught to read medical...

Growing support

Nature has healing powers. A startup from London is providing all those who are committed to saving the planet while helping others with a digital opportunity. Its platform allows private citizens or companies to purchase trees online. Farmers in 12 different countries - including Haiti and Madagascar - are then paid to plant them. Different types of trees such...

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