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Tag: #108

Airy change

Some weeds have anti-inflammatory properties. Now, a female PhD student from the Netherlands has discovered that another weed, soft rush, also has hidden qualities. The lightweight plant takes oxygen from the air, transporting the gas through internal flue-like channels. A cross section revealed a highly porous structure and coarse surface. Therefore, the student pressed two layers together to create...

Seasonal chic

Some stretch jeans are biodegradable, while others use plant-based indigo blue. A good match for the sweaters and T-Shirts manufactured by a Massachusetts-based startup. Its founder’s ocean-inspired clothing line is made from oyster shells and granules from recycled plastic. The shells are ground into a fine powder, blended with the plastic granulate and spun into yarn. This again is...

Film effect

Sawdust combined with a layer of tannic acid is helping to make water clean. Now, a US-based research team has, likewise, used tannic acid to create a natural alternative to oil-based glues. Mixing it with the protein zein from maize kernels, they discovered that the formulation grew stronger underwater, irrespective of the water’s salinity. This was due to a...

Effective substitute

Those looking to change their diets can turn to seaweed or cream alternatives. But rich food causes more than just bloating or queasiness. In extreme cases of heartburn, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) provide a solution by suppressing the build-up of stomach acid, shielding the oesophagus and intestinal tract from harm. However, they also reduce the body’s intake of nutrients...

Tracking conversion

Modern, environmentally-friendly vintage cars aren't as contradictory as it sounds. Electric vehicle races are well established too. And now one of the British teams has built a drivable prototype entirely from electronic waste: they used discarded E-cigarettes, cell phones, laptops and charging cables. The waste came from companies and school pupils, and the concept was jumpstarted together with a...

Moving motivation

Black and Indigenous women with breast cancer can receive targeted support via app. Meanwhile, a startup from Indiana is helping Black women reduce their stress levels. Because racism and bias in the workplace and beyond can leave emotional scars. A new app contains meditation exercises and relaxing music, but also podcasts and information about breathing techniques. An in-house not-for-profit...

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