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Sensitive training

Gloves protect us from injury or the cold. The odd pair can even make sign language audible. Now, thanks to an innovative engineering team...

Pause for thought

Undergoing any sort of change requires support, be it a change of job due to physical limitations or, say, migrating to Canada. Now a...

Tropical resource

Fruit and its peel can be used in various ways. Whether it’s electricity from oranges or polishing shoes with bananas. Now, inspired by a...

Exposed healing

Light is at the heart of our daily rhythms and brightens our lives. Its healing properties are the subject of a new study conducted...

Harmonious security

When we speak to a person, we know straight away how they are from their tone of voice. Now, our instincts for tone and...

Sparing to savor

The first lab-grown beef-burger was developed in 2013. Soon cultured meat could be mass-produced. A Parisian startup is currently working on making duck liver...

Fruity energy

Dextrose can be used to improve performance. For electric cars, supercapacitors take on a similar role. Not only is their power density 10-100 times...

Current capture

Wind is increasingly important for generating renewable energy. So, too, is water. Now a Scottish company is using the ocean tides to generate electricity...

Coming-off naturally

Our body can achieve miracles, but sometimes it needs a little support. Like stents for breathing or pacemakers. The latter are often fitted after...

Naturally clad

Some natural materials appear flimsy. But on closer inspection they turn out to be incredibly robust. Take spider’s silk, for example. But it’s equally...